
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

CFC Says Goodbye

by L.J. Sellers, author of provocative mysteries & thrillers

With a great sense of sadness, and a tiny bit of relief, Crime Fiction Collective is saying goodbye. It's been a terrific three years, and the bonds we've formed as friends will last a lifetime. Our core group of bloggers got together at Left Coast Crime in March, 2011, and said, "Hey, we should form a blog."

It's a little ironic that my decision to co-chair LCC 2015—and take on those huge responsibilities—finally led me to realize I didn't have the time and energy to support the blog the way I used to. My fellow bloggers have been feeling the same pinch. The fiction market is insanely competitive, and almost everyone feels like they can't write novels fast enough to make a living or spend the time they should to make their books visible.

So something had to give for most of us. But we plan to stay in touch with each other and our readers. You can find us all online, blogging at our own websites and interacting on Facebook and other social media.

Thanks, everyone, for your terrific support of Crime Fiction Collective. We've enjoyed all the comments and discussions, and have learned a lot from you along the way. Our lives are richer because of the new friendships this blog brought us.

We hope you'll all stay in touch. Happy reading!


  1. As one of the original six founding members of CFC back in April 2011, where the idea was hatched over dinners and drinks at Left Coast Crime Conference in Santa Fe, I also feel some sadness to see this great blog go. I've really enjoyed interacting with fellow blogmates and friends, and also with our followers. But as LJ says, we'll all still keep in touch through Facebook and other social media. And we can look forward to new, exciting endeavors -- and hopefully more time to write!

    I'm starting a new phase of my life in my new home in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, but I definitely won't lose touch with my friends from CFC and Facebook and other blogs.

    Best wishes to all in your future endeavors!

    Fondly, Jodie :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping in. You were an essential part of the blog. This will be a year of new beginnings for me too. I'm moving in the fall, but not nearly as far as you did. Raising a cup of tea to you in a toast!

    2. Just drinking green tea with my lunch, so here's a toast back to you, LJ! I know we'll stay in touch and stay friends.

      - Jodie :-)

    3. Jodie, as L.J. said, you were an essential part of this party. I know we'll stay in touch! xoxo

    4. I know we will too, Peg! And see you at Left Coast Crime 2015 in Portland! :-)

  2. Another Original Six member here (any hockey fans out there?), who is sad to see the end of Crime Fiction Collective. Although I'm not a full-time writer, I do juggle two part-time jobs, my home and family, and a rather large garden. Not to mention my own blog...

    I've made some good friends through this blog, and I'm sitting at the Children's Reference Desk raising a bottle of water to Jodie and L.J., as well as all the other members of CFC!

    1. Marlyn, your gentle heart and eager spirit were a wonderful addition to CFC. Plus, you read a lot of books! More than any of the rest of us, I'm willing to bet.

    2. I definitely agree with Peg, Marlyn! Hope to see you at LCC or somewhere else down the road! :-)

  3. I'm proud of what we built here, but it's time to let it go. It's a good sign that the reason for the end of CFC is a perfect one: our lives have all become more full with one of the things we love most—writing.

    The friendships that bonded and strengthened due in large part to CFC are friendships I'll treasure forever. And I'm counting on adding some fabulous memories to the ones we made here.

    Since I just had my teeth whitened, I'm raising a glass of Fresca in toast to all of us.


  4. Thanks to all of you individually and CFC - I was going to say collectively, but that's redundant, isn't it? I made some friends, had some interesting discussions, learned a lot. I'll see some of you on Facebook, twitter or email. I hope you'll stay in touch, too. Best of luck to us all.

    1. You always made a thoughtful comment, David. And you've become a friend to many of us. With luck, our friendship will continue.

    2. Thanks for all your insightful comments, David. See you on Facebook! :-)

  5. Im saddened about the passing of CFC. As a fan of each if you, I always hoped to interview you. I'm glad I had the opportunities given to me. Gifts. Each and every one. But I take with me new and wonderful friends and l leave my heartfelt thanks fir the wonderful stories. Til we meet again....much success to you all. Pam Stack, host , Authors on the Air radio.

    1. We're not going anywhere, Pam. We just won't be as easy for you to find in one location! Thanks for everything you do for authors. You're the best!

    2. We'll still interact on Facebook, Pam, and I hope to see you again in person at a conference or wherever! And maybe I'll even get over my shyness and appear on your radio show one of these days! Hugs from Jodie xo

  6. I've enjoyed the blog and will miss the interesting posts by all of you over the last three years. :-)

    1. Thanks for hanging with us, Linda. You're experience and support have meant a lot.

    2. Well, duh. Of course I'm signing out with a typo. Sheesh.

  7. I've appreciated being part of CFC for the past year. It was an honor to be invited and I look forward to seeing where we all land.
    Thank you, everyone.

  8. I've only been with the group for just over a year but I sure had some great times. Several of you I've known for many years, others it has been a real pleasure getting to know. I raise my glass as well. Cheers!

  9. Thanks for all that you guys have taught me - or tried to teach me - in your posts. Totally understand why you are moving on.

  10. I completely understand the time pressures and hectic schedules writers face, having left the CFC blog a while ago to snatch a little more writing time. I'm glad for the friendship of many of you outside CFC - may they continue. Wishing you all well.

  11. I will miss you guys! Best of luck!

  12. Best to all of you. Of course, I'll miss you but hope we'll continue to 'meet' in cyberspace


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